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Baby Sleep Mistakes: New Research Uncovers Shocking Risks

The quantity of sleep is very important for the baby both physically and mental development, but most of the time, parent’s involve in a lot of misconduct and mistakes while putting their baby to the bed. Many studies conducted over the past years have revealed some of the worrisome hazards which may come from the typical way babies are put to sleep, indicating that a rethinking of the baby`s sleeping routine is necessary. Let’s get into the details of this research in this article, draw attention to the possible dangers of early sleep mistakes, and provide a few recommendations for the better baby’ sleep environment.

Unsafe Sleep Surfaces: The Danger of Co-Sleeping and Soft Bedding

For safety of the babies during the night, the wronging use of unsafe sleep surfaces such as co-sleeping and soft beddings is the greatest risk. The shearing bed, characterized by the sharing of a bed by a baby with his or her parents or caregivers, exposes the infants to suffocation, entrapment, and CO sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). A soft bedding, e.g. a pillow, a blanket, a stuffed animal becomes a risk of suffocation, since it may block baby’s airway and his inability to breathe during sleep.

Recent science indicates that co-sleeping and soft bedding options are dangerous; hence, these alternatives should not be used for newborns because the safety of a good sleeping environment is very crucial. American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) suggests that babies should sleep on a firm, flat surface like crib mattress or bassinet free of soft bedding, pillows, and other items that could harm them during the sleep.

Overheating: A Silent Threat to Infant Sleep Safety

Sleeping with the heat on and turning the room temperature up too high is known as ‘overheating’ which can jeopardize your baby’s sleeping safety. Infants are more prone to overheating than adults, and heatcannot exclude from the risk of SIDS. Studies suggest that infants who are over warm when sleeping might be at a higher risk of SIDS and therefore, it is vital to note that a good sleep environment for babies is necessary to achieve this.

Parents are advised to dress their babies in clothing that is light weighted and breathable to avoid over dressing or over bundling during sleep. On top of that it is necessary to control the temperature in the baby`s sleeping room and make sure that it feels pleasant all the time at night.

Incorrect Sleep Position: The Importance of Back Sleeping

The sleeping posture of a baby is no less than a decisive factor in preventing the SIDS fatalities. As the research showed, AAP recommends his infants to position on back while sleeping because this position significantly reduces the risk of SIDS. On the other hand, recent studies affirm that the majority of parents are inclined to put their infants in unsafe sleep positions, toes including on the stomach or on the side, which is a SIDS risk factor.

Parents and caregivers should be educated about the significance of backward sleep positioning and risks of an incorrect sleep position. This way reared infants will have better sleep habit. Furthering an understanding of safe sleep guidelines, providing helpful resources for parents, and offering support in order to decrease incidence of SIDS and other sleep related dangers can make the parents know how they can help their babies to sleep well.

Lack of Supervision: The Need for Vigilance During Sleep

One of the most basic elements of safe infant sleep is that parents must watch the baby. A group of studies revealed that the cases of children sit to death when left alone is more likely because they easily suffocate, strangulate or get trapped. Keeping parents alert and mindful about the factors affecting their baby’s sleeping space is crucial when it comes to nighttime sleep and naps as well.

Parents need to be particularly diligent about ensuring their baby is not left unattended in dangerous sleep environments including sleep surfaces which are not firm or without loose bedding. Besides, it’s extremely significant to check regularly for signs showing dissatisfaction or unease in babies sleeping and responding immediately to their needs.


In summary, a new research led to the discovery of the unbearable threats most babies are facing due to the poor sleep habits, which requires all parents to put the baby safety first. Parents can ensure that they are providing a safe sleep surface for their babies by avoiding any thing that can cause accidents and injuries such as sharing the bed or using a pillow. In addition to that, one can do things such as avoiding overheating of the baby, promoting back sleeping and providing parental supervision at all times. To protect infants from floated beddies and all other health implications, education, awareness and compliance with the safe sleep guidelines is assumed.

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